Forest Marble Formation

(166.1–168.3 Ma)
Great Oolite Group
Forest Marble Formation
Bajocian-Bathonian Age
[166.1 - 170.3 Ma*]
limestone: a rock that is formed chiefly by accumulation of organic remains (such as shells or coral), consists mainly of calcium carbonate.
Image: Forest Marble Formation (false bedding) overlain by the lower half of the Cornbrash Formation at Greenhill Quarry (Ⓒ 1925 Crown Copyright)
* Ma is an abbreviation for million years

A flaggy, sandy, carbonate mudstone.
This muddy limestone varies across the area it crops out:
grey, weathering brown
or - flaggy, variably sandy medium to coarsely bioclastic grainstone.
Environment of Deposition:
The Forest Marble is a complex association of vertically and laterally changing facies. These are interpreted to represent environments ranging from subtidal-intertidal fully marine sand shoals and hard substrates colonised by corals, to mud flats and tidal channels associated with coastal swamps.
Upper Boundary:
Generally mudstone in the upper part of the Formation, overlain sharply and non-sequentially by ooidal shelly wackestone/packstone of the Cornbrash Formation.
Lower Boundary:
A grey to brown variably sandy medium to coarsely bioclastic grainstone or packstone, resting with erosive, commonly channelled, disconformity on the White Limestone Formation.
Index Fossils:
Retrocostatum Zone to Discus Zone
Landform contribution:
Generally forms plateaux behind escarpments formed by basal limestone of the formation or underlying limestone formations.
10-30 m
See it in Oxfordshire:
Shipton-on-Cherwell Quarry (BGS reference section)
Kirtlington Quarry
Type area:
Wychwood Forest, Oxfordshire (i.e. the area approximately from Burford to Bladon, and northwards to the River Evenlode (Smith, 1812, unpublished stratal tables; see Arkell, 1933)

Some Key Words
Sedimentary facies are bodies of sediment that are recognizably distinct from adjacent sediments that resulted from different depositional environments.
A packstone is a rock with a grain-supported texture with the intergranular voids filled with a finer matrix.
A lime wackestone is a matrix supported carbonate rock containing less than 75% mud-grade (<32 μm) calcite.

Backscattered scanning electron microscope image of a rock sample from the Forest Marble Formation.
It comprises sub-rounded worn shell fragments composed of calcite (grey) with a matrix of fine microporous micritic calcite. Fine grained authigenic pyrite (white) is disseminated within the microporous matric.
[Taken from Milodowski and George, 1985, Harwell Borehole No. 3 342.7 m].